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Energy Label

Energy label A to G: what does it mean?

Billy Brouwer
August 2023
0 min reading time

Energy labels, ranging from A to G, indicate a home's energy efficiency. A better label means lower energy costs and a more positive impact on the environment. From insulation to more efficient heating, various modifications can improve your label.

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Energy label A to G: What does it mean?

You've probably seen it before, one of those colorful labels with a letter on it, somewhere between A and G. They often stick this on household appliances, but homes get one of these labels, too. We're talking about the energy label. But what does it really mean and why should it interest you? Let's dive into the world of energy labels.

What is an energy label?

An energy label simply indicates how energy efficient something is. For homes, this means, for example, how well the property is insulated, whether the heating is efficient, and so on.

Why is it important?

An energy-efficient a home is not only good for the planet but also good for your wallet. A house with label A will cost you much less in heating costs in the long run than a property with label G.

A to G: The scale

Here comes the most important part: what do those letters mean?

  • A or higher: This is the best label you can get. It means the house is incredibly energy efficient. Green is good!
  • B and C: Also not bad, but there is room for improvement. Houses in this category are often already insulated, but lack double-glazing, for example.
  • D: You're in the middle ground. It's not dramatic, but it's not fantastic either. With a few upgrades, you can often get a lot more economical.
  • E, F and G: These are the red flags. Is your home in this category? Then it's high time for some energy-saving measures.

What can you do?

Do you have a house with a low energy label? Then start with insulation, for example. Roof insulation, floor insulation and wall insulation can already make a big difference. Then you can look at more efficient heating systems or solar panels.


The energy label is a handy guide that can help you become more energy conscious. You now know that A is good and G is not so good. And also that with some modifications you can often score a better label quickly, which is not only good for the world, but also for your own wallet. So the next time you see a label like this, you'll know exactly what to do with it!

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